
Roadside Eye Candy

EMERYVILLE, CA--No doubt, it was an early morning. I had to get up close and see just how this was done. As part of the underpass serving a major freeway interchange on the border of Oakland and Emeryville, all drivers are subjected to this vibrant iron art. The dilemma? Driving doesn't allow you to truly enjoy the 'live' art. I decided to start the day with the 6am hour and set out to this high traffic public art spot on foot.

As the day changes and the sun takes its natural course from East to West the shadows created from the many iron forms in this underpass make their impressions known. When the sun is in slumber there are large spotlights to feature the work so drivers at all hours can enjoy the off beat comical depictions of an Emeryville resident!

Surrounding this well kept city area were an additional three other large scale pieces all painted rich in color. 'Keep your eyes on the road' echoed in the back of my mind as I drove away fighting the urge to look longer from the view out my window. I'm just happy I carved time out to actually see it. Driving is a multi-sensory experience, art of this magnitude is like eye candy on the road and an easy distraction to get you on the wrong freeway. (SH)


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